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About Me

Hello. My name is Jeff Milligan and I was a smoker for more than 45 years.



When I decided to become a non-smoker, I searched high and low for the perfect answer. I found it in hypnotherapy. 


When I saw first hand how successful hynotherapy was, I decided to become a Stop Smoking Hypnotherapist myself, and help others stop smoking too.


I use a combination of advanced hypnotic techniques and Neuro Linguistic Programming. It is safe, pleasant and so effective, you'll wonder why you ever smoked


Food for Thought 
If you smoke a pack of cigarettes for an average of $18 a day, you're spending more than $6500 a year. 


Once you think about all the things you can do with the money you’ll save when you stop smoking, you may find the extra incentive you need to give up smoking for good.


Save thousands of dollars and add years to your life. Our success rate is exceptional and most people quit smoking in one QUIT Cigarettes in 60 Minutes session. 



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